Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Testing out Flickr!

Poor new Web 2.O learners! Stumbling around with huge obstacles in their way!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning...

Well, true to form here I am at the last moment finishing off. I just had to dig around at home for the last 30 minutes trying to find my learning contract amongst the assorted paraphernalia that has landed on our dining table during my revealed that my goal was "to become proficient in using the new technologies offered by the Learning 2.0 program", and the obstacles I anticipated were time (well, no surprise there!) and relocating to another branch. One that I hadn't anticipated was my 3 going on 4 year old becoming overly excited by YouTube and every time he heard a noise coming out of the speakers would fly into the room demanding to see a Thomas video! Obstacles aside here I am about to complete my "things" merely an hour until it is officially Monday!

For the most part I have really enjoyed this program, and more often than not spent much more time than I should have completing the "things" & now I know more about many of these things than my IT qualified sibling - to be fair he no longer works in the field, but go me anyway! It was great to have a little tour through all these new and exciting applications and having the best parts pointed out. Almost every one had potential for personal use and often I had to remind myself to think about how they could be used in a library environment.

My stand out favourites were LibraryThing which I will definitely be returning to later to finish cataloguing my bookshelf, Image Generators, because they were so much fun and Flickr, who can believe what some people take photos of? I really warmed up to and have found myself selling the benefits of this site to my Dad. Actually, the only "thing" I never really warmed to was Rollyo - this just didn't do it for me! The one that wins hands down as far as being useful in our library service right now would have to be Zoho and I would never have known of its existence had it not been for this program.

Like I said earlier mostly I enjoyed using these sites and applications for personal reasons, but what better way to learn and then be able to pass on your knowledge and experience to others? I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this program and look forward to seeing how our library becomes part of the Library 2.0 revolution.

Thanks to GRLC, the State Library and also to Lynette & Leslie for plowing through all of our blogs! Is this the end?? No way! Lifelong learning baby! Look out!

Would you believe I just discovered how to change the colour on my posts? Good timing!

Friday, November 30, 2007

#22 Audiobooks (or "The end is in sight")

I must admit that personally I have never been the biggest fan of audiobooks, listening to them when we had to check for reported faults always made me nod off a bit. Once upon a time I did borrow one to try in my car but that was no good either! Personal opinion aside I can definitely see their place in the library service and for the more tech savvy patrons eAudiobooks would be a saviour. I particularly like the thought of them being automatically returned to the collection when finished and I am sure the library being "open" 24 hours a day, 365 days a year would be appealing to many.

I had a listen to Rumplestiltskin which was quite nice to listen to as the reader characterized the voices and told the story well.

I feel sleeeeeeeeeeeepy!

#21 Take 2 - still with the Podcasts.

I had another bash at this when I got home today and I still can't manage to hear anything from the Childrens Book Radio podcasts, so I had a look on Yahoo Podcasts Directory and found another childrens book related podcast Just one more book and had a listen. I have subscribed to both in my Bloglines account.

#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

As with many of the other "things" along this journey it takes a lot of time to actually find something that warrants being added to my blog to share with others. In this case I apprceiated the everyman's english used by Rob@podCast411 in his explanation of podcasts. I particularly liked his definition of "Flashing 12s", I think we all know someone like this.

I had a look at a couple of the podcast directories and found a podcast for Childrens Book Radio which sounds good but alas I couldn't listen to it on the pc I am using so I will try again at home, and besides, bloglines remembers me there! (yes, the issue of multiple accounts & passwords has caught up with me too!)